Village News

Community Speed Watch Needs You

Notice of Casual Vacancy 17 Sept 24


Statement of Persons Nominated – Election of MP


After the recent bad weather some residents will have been affected, if your enquiry is urgent please forward to:

[email protected]

If you are at risk of flooding or you have recently flooded please note the below:

In emergency situations, dial 999. Otherwise:

For flooding of Staffordshire highways and property this can be reported via Report It or the myStaffs App in the following ways:

  • For general flooding of highways please Report via the “drains and manholes” option
  • For emergency flooding that results in roads that are impassable or flooding to domestic rooms of property only please Report via the “weather related” and “flooding” option
  • For emergency flooding out of hours (Monday to Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm, including bank holidays) please call 0300 111 8000

Please complete an Online Questionnaire if you have suffered from property flooding. This may in certain circumstances result in a formal flood risk investigation.


It has been reported that a vehicle was stolen off a driveway in Marchington last night. The car, a Mercedes, was stolen using keyless entry, the thieves having cloned the owners key. If your car has keyless entry you can prevent cloning by keeping your keys in a Faraday pouch which are widely available and cost around £3.00

The Parish Council has received a copy of the attached SCC report into the flooding in Church Lane.
Section 19 Report – Investigation Church Lane, Marchington

Notice of the Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 9th May 2023 at 7pm at Marchington Village hall.

Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

FREE Basic Lifesaving and AED (Defibrillator) Training Session for Marchington residents

On 11th May 6-9pm at Marchington Village Hall (Conference Room)

Places are limited to 16 people (adults and children age 14 years & over) so if you are interested please don’t delay booking your place. To reserve your place please send an email to the Parish Clerk: [email protected]

CPR Training Poster

This training session is being funded by Marchington Parish Council for residents of Marchington & Marchington Woodands Parish only.

Staffordshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (2023-27) – Your Views wanted!

Staffordshire County Council has reviewed its current Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and produced a revised draft version setting out its vision, ambitions, and priorities for how it will manage and reduce flooding in Staffordshire. They really want to hear your views to help shape the new strategy and priorities for action. You can complete their survey by clicking the link:

KING’S CORONATION CELEBRATION FUND for Marchington Parish Residents

Marchington Parish Council has established a fund, which parishioners can apply for, to encourage celebrations for King Charles III’s Coronation on 6th May 2023. The fund is available for items that are needed to be used for community events – This does not include alcohol. Following the event, a breakdown of expenses and receipts will need to be made available to Marchington Parish Council. Please complete the application form and return to the Clerk before the 30th of March 2023. The Council will review all applications and allocate funds as appropriate. You can download the application form here:

King’s Coronation Celebration Fund Applicaton Form


Broadband Upgrade for Marchington and the surrounding area

Update: Unfortunately despite the efforts of all involved so far we have been unsuccessful in gaining the necessary funding for a Full Fibre Broadband Scheme. But please be assured Marchington Parish Council and others are still pursuing this.

Broadband providers are upgrading their networks to lightning-fast speeds all over the UK. It will take longer to upgrade rural parts of the country, but Marchington and the surrounding area has the chance to apply for some funding to upgrade within 12 months, provided we can gain interest from up to 600 properties by the end of February 2022.
This scheme is supported by Marchington Parish Council.

Register on line via the link below before the 28th February –

Marchington Full Fibre Broadband Sign Up

Alternatively, there is a printable registration form on the flyer below –

Marchington Broadband A4 Flyer Feb 2022

Volunteer Flood Warden required Marchington Parish Council is looking for one or more volunteers to fulfil the role of Flood Warden in the Parish to work alongside a team of volunteers. The role would include supporting the village in times of flooding with road closures, full training will be given.

If you are interested in supporting the local community, please contact the Parish Clerk [email protected]

Friends of Marchington Volunteer Group

The Friends of Marchington volunteer group have been busy working on several projects around the village. You may have noticed the tree’s and the Snowdrops that have been planted on Green Lane and at the Cricket ground, down by the river the team of volunteers have been working hard to clear the area and some bushes have been planted.

If you’d like to get involved in the Village Greening projects, please email the Clerk for details  [email protected]

Marchington Full Fibre Broadband Initiative

Marchington has the opportunity to apply for government funding to upgrade our current broadband service to the fastest and most reliable broadband service available, full fibre broadband, years ahead of anyone else with the support of the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme.

Full fibre would replace the old copper cable connections from the green cabinets to our homes and can deliver connection speeds of 1,000 megabits per second (Mbps), equivalent to one gigabit per second (Gbps)

Every property is entitled to up to £1,500 per home and £3,500 per small to medium-sized business (SME) towards the cost of installing full fibre broadband but only when each property is part of a community group pooled together.

At this stage we would like to see how much interest there might be from Marchington village, Marchington Woodlands and the surrounding area before we apply for the funding. We are just asking people to register their interest – there is no obligation to commit to anything or to worry about existing contracts.

The fund is only available until March 2021 so please register by 31st October 2020 and encourage your neighbours to do the same.

Please note: If you run a business from your property, please register as a business so that we can add more money to the fund.

For full information about the scheme from the government Department for Digital, Media, Culture & Sport go to

Please follow this link to register your home or business

Marchington Full Fibre Broadband Sign Up

Re-opening of Playgrounds

The play and gym equipment is now open at Forest Side and Silver Lane. Please follow the guidelines set by Marchington Parish Council in order to keep safe. Marchington Parish Council will not be cleaning any of the equipment.

Marchington Parks COVID Guidance July 2020

Marchington Flood Information

A copy of the presentation document from the Marchington public community information event along with frequently asked questions has been provided by The Environment Agency.  There is also an enquiry form available should you have any further questions that you would like to submit to The Environment Agency.

EA – Marchington Public Enquiry Form_MPC

Marchington Jan 2020_Event FAQs Public_MPC

EA – Marchington Public Enquiry Form_MPC

Social Distancing

Dear Residents

We have been given the link below for information on social distancing.

I hope that you find this useful.


Public Space Protection Orders

Dear Residents,

East Staffordshire Borough Council (ESBC) has considered all requests for public space protection (PSPO) and has made decisions based on information and evidence submitted and from information held on our records. We considered all current areas and whether any alterations were required. We also considered new requests or removing any existing ones where they are no longer required.

A full list of the PSPO’s can be found on the East Staffordshire Borough Council’s website and search PSPO dogs or PSPO alcohol.

Any queries regarding the PSPO information on the East Staffordshire Borough Council’s website please email the [email protected] direct.


Community Orchard Pruning Session

Our expert Jeff Bates and lots of enthusiastic participants eager to learn a new skill all followed by refreshments in a gorgeous setting.

Bulb Planting and Community Orchard News

Over 400 bulbs have been planted around the village by a fantastic team of volunteers. These were purchased from funds raised during the Open Gardens over the Festival Weekend.

A group from the “Wellies project” will soon be creating bug hotels and bird boxes to enhance the Orchard. As ever a huge thank you to Jane Hilton for all her work.

Thank you to all the Village Clean Up helpers who gave their time on Saturday it really was appreciated.




Huge thanks to everyone who came and helped us to update the orchard.