Your Representatives

Marchington Parish Councillors

Cllr Helen Bullock (Chair) – Helen moved with her family to Marchington in 2009 she joined the parish Council in May 2019. Helen is a school governor for St Peters First School and regularly helps at junior training at the Cricket Club.

Councillor Bullock – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Ian Morgan (Vice-Chair) – Ian has been a councillor since May 2015 and has lived in the village for 35 years. Ian supports numerous groups within the village and gives them a voice on the council.

Cllr Morgan – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Julia Hayhurst – Julia moved with her family into the village in 2014 and was first elected to council in May 2015. Julia works locally as a Rural Surveyor.

Councillor Hayhurst – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Andrew Mann – Andrew has lived in the village for the past 30 years and has been on the Parish Council since 2012. Andrew is also a trustee for Marchington Village Hall and represents their needs on the council.

Councillor Mann – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Darron Hayes – Darron and has lived in Marchington Woodlands for 20 years. Darron joined the council in 2015. Darron acts as the Marchington Woodlands Village Hall representative.

Cllr Hayes – Register of Interest 2023-24

Cllr Alan Tomkins – Alan joined the Council in February 2021. Alan has been living in Marchington for 4 years.

Councillor Tomkins – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Ian Glover – Ian joined the Parish Council after the elections in May 2023. Ian has taken on the role of Finance Officer from May 2024.

Cllr Glover – Register of Interests 2023-24

Cllr Sally Ann Newstead – Our newest councillor, Sally Ann was co-opted onto the parish council in September 2023 and represents the Marchington Woodlands ward.

Cllr Newstead – Register of Interests 2023-24

WP Data Tables

Clerk/RFO to the Parish Council

Mrs Siobhan Rumsby

Tel: 07549 164641


Borough Councillor for Crown Ward

Cllr Philip Hudson

County Councillor

Philip Atkins

Member of Parliament for Burton and Uttoxeter

Kate Kniveton MP

Marchington Parish Council is not responsible for the content of any external link.