Parish Council Meetings

Meetings of the Marchington Parish Council are usually held on the second Tuesday in every month in the John Ellwood Lounge at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. The February, June and October meetings are held at Marchington Woodlands Village Hall.

Any member of the public or press is welcome to attend for any part (or all) of the Meeting. A public session is held at the start of the meeting to enable individuals to raise matters of concern.

Once the public session is over, members of the public are not entitled to speak during the formal business of the council unless specifically invited to do so by the meeting chairman. In certain circumstances the public may be asked to leave the meeting, this is at the Chairman’s discretion.

An annual meeting for all electors is held (usually in May). Matters of concern raised by the electors can then be considered by the Parish Council at their regular meetings.

Meeting Dates 2024_25