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Green Lane Tidy Up

A group of 10 volunteers did some great work before Christmas to tidy up Green Lane, thank you to all who helped, a job well done!

Marchington Parish Council are working with our amazing resident volunteer to plant some tree’s around the village and hope to include the planting of wildflowers later in the year. If you’d like to get involved or have any ideas for village greening, please email the Parish Clerk [email protected]



Ironman Road Closures

Iron Man Road Closures – Sunday 10th June

IRONMAN 70.3 Staffordshire have produced road closure maps with information for local residents to be aware of the safety closures which take place on the Sunday morning of the race.

This should allow residents to plan their travel and minimise any impact from the event on their own plans. This may involve using alternative routes over the event weekend or adjusting journey times slightly.

Access for Emergency Services will be maintained at all times

Detailed road access maps are available here.